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Monthly Archives: Luglio 2019


Benecon researchers network

Il Forum Internazionali di Studi ‘Le Vie dei Mercanti’, ideato e organizzato dal 2003 dal Prof. Carmine Gambardella, Cattedra UNESCO, alla sua XVII edizione nel 2019, ha creato una comunità internazionale di studiosi costituita da oltre 6000 ricercatori, distinguished professors e rappresentanti istituzionali con i quali, in questi anni, il Consorzio Universitario BENECON ha sviluppato progetti di cooperazione internazionale in Italia e nel Mondo. Il Forum dal 2010 è patrocinato dal Forum UNESCO University and Heritage, dalla Commissione Italiana UNESCO, dalla Commissione Fulbright per gli Scambi Culturali fra l’Italia e gli Stati Uniti,  e dal Ministero per i Beni e le Attività Culturali Italiano. Le tematiche del Forum, attraverso un approccio metodologico pluridisciplinare, hanno riguardato le principali tematiche auspicate dal World Heritage Centre, basti pensare ai titoli delle ultime quattro edizioni:  World Heritage and Degradation (XIV edition 2016); World Heritage and Disaster (XV edition 2017); World Heritage and Knowledge (XVI edition 2017); World Heritage and Legacy (XVII edition 2019).

International cooperation with Universities in Egypt

Dear Prof . Carmine Gambardella

It has been a great pleasure for me to meet you at the XVII International Forum World Heritage and Legacy too.
I am pleased to inform you that i accept to foster our cultural and scientific partnership, according to a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU)  wish sent from your, on the model of the enclosed draft one .
Which MoU envisages future co operations for the next XVIII Forum in 2020, for researches and operative projects purposes, and eventually to find out interesting and relevant articles to be published in ‘Quaderni/Notebook’ of ‘Abitare la Terra/Dwelling on Earth’, International A Class Magazine.

My sincere appreciation for your kind cooperation, and …

With my best regards

Professor of Architecture Design & Architectural Criticism
Elwan University Egypt

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International cooperation with Universities in India

Dear Prof. Carmine Gambardella,

First of all, I would like to congratulate you and the entire team for hosting a great conference which was a delight to attend. It was indeed a great opportunity to listen to very interesting researches happening globally with different perspectives streamlined under the umbrella of heritage at XVII International Forum World Heritage and Legacy.
Our staff was on vacation for summer break and the institution reopened this week. I will forward the MoU for consideration to our director and concerned authorities. I will share the feedback with you within a few working days.
Apologies for the delay in response.
Furthermore, I have a humble request. Since our institution pays more importance to the presentation of research papers, besides the certificate of attendance a certificate for paper presentation is also required for the official proof. I kindly request you to please provide the same at your earliest convenience.

Thanks and Regards

Ar. Uzma Khan
Assistant Professor

Manipal School of Architecture and Planning
Manipal Academy of Higher Education (MAHE)
Manipal, Karnataka
e: ar.uzmakhan@gmail.comuzma.khan@manipal.edu